Dna Sample Collection Video

Dna Sample Collection

DNA is a science that was once held in such regard that it was understood that only highly trained professionals could collect samples and maintain their integrity for use in court if ever needed to prove a link between a victim and a criminal. Now, we are all being encouraged to have samples of our children's DNA available so that if the unlikely and heart wrenching trauma of a child being missing ever happened to us, we would have something concrete to quickly provide the authorities to assist in identifying that child if found in and they were unable to talk.

List Of Dna Tests

Paternity DNA Test

Maternity DNA Test

Hospital Kids Swap

Siblingship Test

Y-STR Male Lineage

X-SV Female Lineage

Prenatal Paternity Test

Property Dispute DNA Test

Legal Paternity DNA Test

Legal Maternity DNA Test

Legal Hospital Kids Swap

Legal Siblingship Test

Legal Y-STR Male Lineage

Legal X-SV Female Lineage

Legal Paternity Test

Legal Property Dispute DNA Test

Dna Testing

The explanation of DNA testing that follows is intended as an introduction to the subject for those who may have limited backgrounds in biological science. While basically accurate, this explanation involves liberal use of illustration and, in some cases, over-simplification. Although intended to be informative, this is brief and incomplete explanation of a complex subject. The author suggests consulting the scientific literature for more rigorous details and alternative views

What Is DNA ?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a very important molecule found in all living cells. It contains information used in everyday metabolism and growth and influences most of our characteristics.

DNA is often described as the blueprint of an organism. It enables various cells to develop and work together to form a fully functional body, and controls characteristics such as eye colour. How much DNA influences very complex features, such as intelligence, is not yet fully understood.

What Is RNA

This is first in series of mini-commentaries that I hope will provide background and context to the importance some of the major discoveries that I have posted.

This week’s feature is RNA interference (RNAi). There is a great mini-tutorial about RNAi at PBS Nova site. The the wiki on RNAi is also useful for providing simple background.

RNA Structure Video

Rna Structure

In many viruses, including tumor- and retro-viruses, the programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting of polycistronic mRNA regulates the relative level of structural and enzymatic proteins important for efficient viral assembly. The -1 shift in reading frames causes stop codon readthrough, and results in production of a single fusion protein.

DNA Structure Video

Dna Structure

DNA is a polymer. The monomer units of DNA are nucleotides, and the polymer is known as a "polynucleotide." Each nucleotide consists of a 5-carbon sugar (deoxyribose), a nitrogen containing base attached to the sugar, and a phosphate group. There are four different types of nucleotides found in DNA, differing only in the nitrogenous base. The four nucleotides are given one letter abbreviations as shorthand for the four bases.

  • A is for adenine
  • G is for guanine
  • C is for cytosine
  • T is for thymine


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